Mercedes digitises half of its marketing budget

In the UK, that is. It is clearly a milestone on the way of the digital revolution. Anders Sundt Jensen, VP for brand communications, broke this news at the dmexco trade show this week. Jensen said the dynamics of the UK market and the advanced consumer behaviour in the UK meant the automotive brand was already allocating half of its budget to digital, well ahead of other European territories where the company was far from allocating even 40%.He said the key to the company’s success online was the creation of specialist expertise within the company. “We don’t have normal…

In the UK, that is. It is clearly a milestone on the way of the digital revolution. Anders Sundt Jensen, VP for brand communications, broke this news at the dmexco trade show this week.

Jensen said the dynamics of the UK market and the advanced consumer behaviour in the UK meant the automotive brand was already allocating half of its budget to digital, well ahead of other European territories where the company was far from allocating even 40%.He said the key to the company’s success online was the creation of specialist expertise within the company.

“We don’t have normal marketers just doing online ads, or just putting our TV ads online,” he said. “We have a whole department, for example, at our headquarters in Germany just doing digital marketing.”

However, Jensen said one of the main problems with online marketing remained the industry’s tendency towards hype.

Yep. So let’s end the hype and talk about things that actually work.