My Life As Fashion Blogger and Journalist

“Fashion has always been an elite thing. And I want to destroy that with Dandydiary. I am not really into glamorous fashion. I think there is another way to do fashion,” David Roth stated at NEXT Berlin.

He is the blogger behind, a blog focussing on men’s fashion. In his talk he presented projects he worked on with his partner Carl Jakob Haupt. Each one of them illustrates what this other way of fashion could look like. And proves that Dandydiary is not just another fashion blog. Roth mixes up styles; fashion converges with media, art and culture.

Dandydiary is Roth’s stage, and a profitable one – something not often achieved by blogs. For him, there are two ways of earning money with his blog: advertorials and traditional banner ads. Advertorials are initiated by labels that want to present their clothes on his blog. Banner advertisements are conveyed by Glam Media, with which Roth cooperates.

According to Roth, the formula for running a successful blog is focus. He advises bloggers to zoom in on a specific niche topic – and to hold strong opinions on it.