The Brains Behind NEXT Service Design

At NEXT Service Design, European agencies, brands and leading scientists will discuss innovative SD projects. Who are the brains behind the conference? We have a closer look at Blundstone Osterberger and Peter Bihr.

After announcing NEXT Service Design on Wednesday, we would like to introduce you to the brains behind our conference: Blundstone Osterberger and Peter Bihr. As curators of the conference programme, Blundstone and Peter provide their network, experience and knowledge to make NEXT Service Design a fantastic conference.

Blundstone serves as a curator and chairman of the event – or ‘el patrón’ as he describes his job ;). He has been working in the field of user experience and service design in major digital agencies since 2009, both as Engagement Director at HUGE and Director Client Services at Method. He worked with amazing designers and technologists developing extraordinary customer experiences and innovative services. His passion for everything digital can be traced back to his youth and serves as fuel for his work and life ever since. In March 2012, Blundstone became a Managing Director of the digital agency SinnerSchrader, where he initiated NEXT Service Design.

Peter is not a new face at NEXT. He did a magnificent job curating the social track at NEXT11, as well as the experience and keynote track at NEXT Berlin 2012. He will also serve as Program Director for NEXT Berlin 2013. Just like Blundstone, Peter thinks and lives digital. He is man of many talents: As a freelance digital strategist, event organiser, writer, speaker and moderator he worked on different projects consulting organisations and brands to find their niche in a world gone digital.

At NEXT Service Design, the two will combine their expertise to create a diversified programme. Their collaboration has already born fruit: service design pioneer Chris Downs (Method), Louisa Heinrich (Fjord) and David Bausola (Philter Phactory) will give keynotes at NEXT SD.