Coming NEXT: 3D busts, content in context and a book vending machine
Five more cool and interesting things from around the internet to keep you entertained on this autumnal Saturday morning…

The enthusiasm for 3D printing just keeps growing. Makerbot has released a 3D Photo Booth. It’s a similar idea to the full body miniatures we looked at last week, where you can be scanned at MakerBot’s New York store, have a rendering of the bust e-mailed to you, and then order the finished product. Next time I’m in New York, I’m getting one to scare birds in my garden…
We might start getting some more detailed answers about the future of digital media. The UK’s state broadcaster the BBC is teaming up with University College, London to research all aspects of online content:
Over the next four years, the new partnership between BBC and UCL will focus on an ambitious programme of research work that seeks to advance state-of-the-art communications technologies, Internet research, content production, user experience (UXD) and access services. The outcomes of this research will also be shared with the wider industry.
The last line should make all of us very happy…
Talking on online content, here’s a great TEDx video exploring how context changes content. Warning: features skateboards.
PandoDaily published an alternative to the normal hype and excitement around startups:
It was over now. Two years of work and dreams replaced by a landing page. Even the t-shirts had been given away. He turned off the lights and lied to himself that he might have forgotten something. So he hit the switch and watched them flicker back on for one last look. For a moment he managed a smile.
But let’s not finish on such a downbeat note.
How about a vending machine for second hand books? I’d like to pretend that I included it as a comment on how eBooks have changed the value perception of printed book – but actually, it’s just there because it’s cool. It is Saturday morning, after all…