This goes out to all our great speakers, participants, partners and volunteers: THANK YOU! We were overwhelmed by your enthusiasm and the great feedback we received! Want to relive some of the best NEXT13 moments? Read more to find videos, pictures and posts.

We just have to shout it out: For us, this was the best NEXT Berlin ever! And we want to thank all of you who helped make it such a success! And that includes all the NEXT13 speakers, participants, partners and volunteers! We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!
But special thanks must go to our speakers. First of all Robert Scoble, who brought along his brand new Google Glass and handed it around generously; Harper Reed, who shared his insights from Obama’s re-election campaign; Bruce Sterling, who talked about fantasy prototypes and real disruption and Peer Steinbrück for a passionate call for a new “culture of failure”. Their videos are up on our website already. Further videos of all three NEXT stages will follow soon. For example the talks by highly respected futurist Marina Gorbis, farsighted designer Anab Jain and Telekom’s decision maker Thomas Kiessling. Of course, we are also thankful for the fantastic contributions of all the other speakers at NEXT13 – be it in talks, panel discussions or workshops.
Secondly, we would like to thank the 1,700 participants who made it to Berlin from all over the world. More than 30% of this year’s NEXT crowd came from foreign countries. Some travelled from as far away as Brazil, China or Russia to join the conference. It was an inspiration exchanging ideas with some of you!
Our awesome team of photographers – Dan Taylor (Heisenberg Media), Marcus Dewanger, Thomas Zimmermann, Martin Diepold and Peggy März – documented the fun on stage and behind it. Feel free to share their pictures taken at NEXT13, the legendary NEXT13 Party and the NEXT Speakers’ Night.
We also thank our partners, without whom NEXT Berlin could not have happened. First of all Matthias Schrader of SinnerSchrader, who made NEXT possible once again. And also Deutsche Telekom and its incubator hub:raum, who hosted the Start-up Stage and supported us in many ways. And a round of applause please for Interone, Spiegel, IBM, Microsoft, iCrossing, Telefónica and all or other partners and exhibitors.
Also we were overwhelmed by the massive coverage given to the event by our media partners, participating journalists and bloggers. ZEIT online streamed parts of our programme live. Those reporting on NEXT13 included Süddeutsche Zeitung, Wall Street Journal, WirtschaftsWoche, Page, t3n, The Verge, BILD, IWB, rude baguette, Deutsche Start-ups and media outlets e.g. in France, the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Vietnam, Korea, Czech Republic and Russia.
Last but not least we were in the great position of working with excellent people. For example our programme curators Monique van Dusseldorp and Peter Bihr, moderator Ole Tillmann, the designers of We Are Fellows, the architects of raumlabor and the team of CodeOne, who filmed the videos and organised the NEXT livestream. And the many volunteers from SinnerSchrader.
We say: YEAH! We say: Thank you! We say: see you NEXT year. Or if you cannot wait until then, join us at NEXT Service Design on September 16!
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Photo: Heisenberg Media, Dan Taylor