NEXT SD13: Programme schedule is online now!

One day, five interesting sessions, a lot of great case studies – the programme for NEXT Service Design 2013 is now online! And please be aware, you’re running out of time to get one of our Early-Bird-Tickets.

One day, five interesting sessions, a lot of great case studies – the programme for NEXT Service Design 2013 is now online! And please be aware, you’re running out of time to get one of our Early-Bird-Tickets. Until August 19 you only pay 290 Euro (+ VAT) per ticket, which is significantly less than the regular price. So, come and see us on September 16 at Radialsystem V in Berlin.

“The Bank of the Future” is the one of our attractive case studies. Lee Moreau and Brian Gillespie of Continuum will present it. “The Bank of the Future” is a project carried out by Continuum for the Spanish bank BBVA. The team at Continuum helped one of the world’s biggest banks to design a customer-centric bank. It is a new multi-channel service model for retail banking that provides customers with the freedom to bank any way they want to. The benefits of this system: It is ubiquitous, simple and transparent.

There will be many other interesting case studies too: Cathrine Movold of Making Waves, for example, will describe how one of Norway’s largest insurance companies (SpareBank 1) employed Service Design to create a customer-centric underwriting system. The programme will also include case studies on the i3 (BMW’s electric car) and Rejseplanen, presented by Magnus Christensson, and many more. To check timings, take a look at our programme here.

This interesting and diversified programme is just one reason to join the NEXT Service Design 2013. You’ll also have the opportunity to contact many top experts in Service Design.

The conference on September 16 starts at 9.30 a.m. with a welcome address by Matthias Schrader, SinnerSchrader’s CEO. This will be followed by the keynote of the American brand expert Dean Crutchfield. After sessions about Financial Services, Mobility & Travel Services and Entertainment Services, the conference will wind up with the presentation of the results from the Service Innovation Lab on the second stage.

Don’t miss this chance, get your ticket today and enjoy NEXT Service Design 2013 in Berlin.