The great partners of NEXT Service Design 2013
Today we’d like to introduce our partners to you, and say a big “Thank You” to one and all.

Ready for start of NEXT Service Design? Can’t wait to meet up with the very best in their field? It’s only a week now until the conference will kick off at Radialsystem V!
For the second time, SinnerSchrader is hosting NEXT Service Design, a line extension of its annual NEXT Berlin conference! As one of the leading digital agencies in Europe, SinnerSchrader develops interactive strategies, platforms and applications that create radical relationships between consumers and brands. More than 400 people work at the SinnerSchrader Group’s offices in Hamburg, Frankfurt, Berlin, Prague and Hanover.
Besides our indispensable host, we’re also enormously grateful for the support of our great partners – without them it would have been simply impossible to organise such a big event! Today we’d like to introduce them to you, and say a big “Thank You” to one and all.
Thank you, simyo! simyo is this year’s exhibitor of NEXT Service Design, and we’re delighted to be supported by this mobile services provider of the E-Plus group.
A heartfelt “thank you” to our event partners: The unbelievable Machine Company and 23video! The unbelievable Machine Company is not only a service provider for web portal and online store operators, advertising and multimedia agencies, but also for Web 2.0 startups and established e-business providers. 23video builds visual sharing tools for personal and organisational use.
We proudly welcome on board our media partners! Thank you marketingBÖRSE! This digital service for companies and freelancers enables them to publish interesting and marketing-oriented content. Thanks also Creative City Berlin – the central platform for artists, cultural producers and the creative industry in Berlin gives a voice to the city’s creative scene and connects it to other partners and platforms.
Also a big thankyou to our conference partners! Among them is The push.conference – a platform for designers, developers and UX professionals who unite creative coding and user experience design. Also, to the Service Experience Camp – A hybrid event for service innovators: part conference, part bar camp. The event will take place in Berlin on September 14 & 15, right before NEXT SD13 on September 16.
We are also happy to have teamed up with scoopcamp, the Innovation-conference for online media. On September 13 more than 250 experts, decision makers, IT and Media innovators will discuss future trends and the latest developments in the fields of data journalism, social media and new storytelling.
Photo by: Richard Busch (CC license)