Apple Watch sells out: is this the beginning of a wearables boom?

The initial batch of Apple Watches sold out within an hour, with estimates on all models slipping back to June - or later. What does this tell us?

The Apple Watch has sold out.

What does that tell us?


OK, probably nothing then.

The problem with the initial launch of an Apple product like this is that it’s difficult to separate the overall demand for the product from the Apple enthusiast audience. This could be a sign that there is market potential in the wearables space, and Apple is going to push it into the mainstream. Certainly a slow, slow sales trickle today would have told us the reverse: that even Apple can’t make that market work.

Just a first data point

That doesn’t seem to be the case. So now the question is: how well can Apple sustain this demand? And will the arrival of large numbers of these devices on people’s wrists trigger more sales – or push the undecided into the “no” category?

Today, while fun to watch (ho, ho) is just an initial data point. The real test will come in a fortnight when these things start shipping – and people see the reality of the computer on your wrist.

(And yes, I have one on pre-order…)

If you’re interesting in wearables from any business point of view, tracking the Watch over the next six months will be an essential exercise.