Hyperloop plans an augmented reality window to make journeys more human

Catching Pokémon in AR is one thing, using AR windows to make high-speed transport better is quite another…

Here’s a nice example of augmented reality in action, beyond the world of Pokémon Go. The hyperloop is one vision of the future of travel. It’s essentially a railway in a near-vacuum, allowing incredibly fast transport between two locations. That’s appealing – dater-than-aircraft speeds, without the hassle of air travel. There’s just one problem, though – they’re sealed tubes. Being trapped in a faceless container even for 30 minutes is not massively entertaining, as anyone who has travelled the channel tunnel will attest.

So, how to make the process better? Augmented reality. Turn the [wall panels into AR “windows”](https://www.re-flekt.com/marketing/portfolio-view/hyperloop-augmented-reality-windows/) showing the world outside the hyper loop tube:


It’s a nice use of technology to keep the experience a human-level one, showing that one player in this space – Hyperloop Transportation Technologies – is keeping the human at the heart of its technology.

So, how long until the London-Hamburg hyperloop is up and running, either from HTT or its competitor Hyperloop One?