Sustainability Filter Filter by All AI Automation Blog Commerce Creativity Data Future Innovation Leadership Management Media Metaverse Purpose Sustainability Trends close The end of business as usual By Martin Recke Roughly every decade, someone announces the end of business as usual. But somehow, business always continues, and with some changes, finds a new normal. Halt and Catch Fire By Martin Recke The end of business as usual. Let’s hard reset and spark the new. With great power comes great responsibility By Martin Recke The Peter Parker principle has never been more relevant than today. Power is redistributed, and thus responsibility must adapt. The Energy Revolution By Martin Recke Digital technology can play an important role in the energy revolution. The basic ideas and concepts have been around for decades. Globalisation and the coronavirus crisis By Martin Recke How a virus might change globalisation profoundly. Remote work will get a huge boost from the current crisis. Systems and systemic challenges By Martin Recke Systems theory allows us to view digital products, or climate change, from a higher altitude. The difference of system and environment is crucial. Volatility and the carbon bubble By Martin Recke Our world is volatile, but is this a good thing or not? It depends. The next wave of volatility may well come from the burst of the carbon bubble. prev 1 2 3 4 next