Search results for “human experience” The virtue of innovation By Kristina Bonitz Innovation doesn't lie in making our existing lives marginally more comfortable. It's truly innovative when it creates lasting changes in our lives that we'll be proud to look back on. Creativity needs digital to know its place By Adam Tinworth This may be heresy, but digital does not make everything better. Unleashing corporate creativity depends on using digital tools where they truly add value. How customer behaviour change drives digital By Matthias Schrader The pandemic has accelerated behaviour shifts towards digital. For change to succeed, superior customer experience is key. Reducing complexity is an act of creativity By Martin Recke Solving complex problems with creativity means creating order from chaos by stripping away what's not important, with a human-centric approach. The digital healthcare revolution in the making By Martin Recke Investments in digital healthcare start-ups are exploding. The market is nascent, but the pace of change is fast. Eliza Filby: the future is multi-generational living By Adam Tinworth The pandemic has forced the generations together, and changed how we live and work. Many of those changes are here to stay, and we need to adapt our businesses to them, says Dr Filby. It’s time for tech regulation By Martin Recke The tech industry enjoyed a quarter-century of regulation honeymoon. It's over now. The attention economy requires a new approach. Exponential threats need exponential antidotes By Martin Recke Turning exponential threats into manageable challenges is hard, but it can be done. The learning curve comes to the rescue. Subprime Attention Crisis, or a trillion dollar industry up in the air By Martin Recke Attention is the most valuable asset today, and the way it is traded is at a crossroads similar to the subprime mortgage crisis that led to an economic collapse. Welcome to the future By Martin Recke In many ways, 2020 has propelled us a decade ahead. As we enter the new year, let's reflect what this means. Happy New Year 2026 By Matthias Schrader In leap years we add a 29th day to February to synchronize our Gregorian calendar with the sun's astronomical course. Occasionally, however, there are events in the flow of time where we must let the calendar jump forward a few years to synchronize it again with a new reality. Covid-19 is such an event. Thomas Müller: using foresight to redesign the world By Adam Tinworth The pandemic is just one of four mega-crises the world faces. How do we survive? By redesigning our systems with foresight and purpose, to create futures we actually want to live in, says Accenture Interactive's Thomas Müller. Purpose is the new brand By Martin Recke What has been the role of the brand in 20th-century consumer markets is now the role of the purpose: the north star for both customers and companies. The purpose of innovation By Martin Recke Where there is danger, the rescuing also grows. We hope for innovation, and this hope is poised to be fulfilled. It's the purpose of innovation. Why we need a Great Redesign By Martin Recke There’s no way back to the old normal. That’s why we need to design our futures. Learn more in our new book: “The Great Redesign”. Charting a path to the post-pandemic future: What’s NEXT Season 2 By Adam Tinworth It's clear that what's next after the COVID-19 crisis passes will be very different. Let's prepare for it together, with expert insights from compelling guests. Living with Algorithms: a cynical utopian’s guide By Adam Tinworth Algorithms are powerful, and getting more so as they're infused with machine learning. Can we learn from the past in how we live with them? 10 learnings from the book The Great Redesign By Martin Recke The 2020 crisis is neither a great pause nor a great reset, but calls for a great redesign. We need to design our futures. My summertime reading book list By Matthias Schrader Matthias Schrader stacked up his personal list of thought-leading book picks for this summer. We’ve just been given the best opportunity to rethink mobility in decades. Let’s use it. By Adam Tinworth Fewer commutes. More electric cars. Fewer train journeys. More cycle lanes. A scooter boom. Covid-19 is forcing us to rethink how we travel – and that's a huge opportunity to reshape our lives – and to create new businesses. Digital divide and new realities By NEXT Conference Every week David Mattin and Monique van Dusseldorp take a closer look at the new normal and talk about changing behaviours that are forming in these strange times around the globe, and which of them might last. Digital health is our future: let’s deliver it safely. By Adam Tinworth The lockdown has forced rapid adoption of digital health techniques - if it's here to stay, let's do it right. How the big event unbundling changes everything By Martin Recke Big events are bundles, and these bundles have been unbundling for a while. This changes everything, from the event experience to the business models. prev 1 … 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 … 12 next