Search results for “human experience” Three shifts for the next ten years By David Mattin We all know that we’re at a moment of great complexity. Much is uncertain, and no one has a crystal ball. Unwarranted certainty is the first enemy of any attempt to think about the future. Welcome to globalisation’s two-speed future By Adam Tinworth Unwinding globalisation would be hard, slow and financially ruinous. It won't happen. But it can — and will — change in unexpected ways. Pamela Pavliscak on emotional technology in the age of coronanxiety By Adam Tinworth Lockdown and social distancing are playing havoc with our emotions. Can emotional technology help us navigate stormy pandemic seas, and lay the course to a new normal? Here's what Pamela Pavliscak told the 'What's NEXT' audience. Working from home helpers, social distancing detector and the force By NEXT Conference New picks - things we thought were fascinating this week, curated by Monique van Dusseldorp and David Mattin. How work from home is changing everything By Martin Recke With the office no longer the default place of work, everything changes. The effects of work from home on commuting, living, real estate, work itself and the office can be tremendous. The Real Estate reset: how we’ll live and work in 2030 By Adam Tinworth Most of us haven't commuted for two months. What if that sticks? What if working from home becomes the norm? Simple: it'll be the biggest transformation in urban living in nearly two centuries. The Great Reset By David Mattin 'New World Same Humans' is a weekly newsletter on trends, technology, and society by our favourite keynote speaker David Mattin. Read his take on the Great Reset. Is Capitalism having a mid-life crisis? By Martin Recke The future of capitalism depends on what's scarce and what's abundant, and who owns the means of production. Let's talk about the new scarcities: attention and experience. The end of business as usual By Martin Recke Roughly every decade, someone announces the end of business as usual. But somehow, business always continues, and with some changes, finds a new normal. Escaping innovation’s go-slow is our next challenge By Adam Tinworth True, genuine, world-shaping innovation has slowed to a snail's pace. Understanding the reasons why – and correcting for them – may be humanity's next great work. The Great Pause By Martin Recke We live in strange times. A lot of things we took for granted suddenly but slowly disappeared. We find ourselves in a time of unexpected pause. Behaviour change is hard, but if we don’t evolve, we die By Adam Tinworth We like things to stay they way they are. But a crisis can trigger behaviour change that we wouldn't contemplate at other times. Welcome to today. Globalisation and the coronavirus crisis By Martin Recke How a virus might change globalisation profoundly. Remote work will get a huge boost from the current crisis. Stuff to read or listen to over the holidays By Martin Recke In case you get bored over the Christmas break, you may get back to this post and check out some books, newsletters, blogs or podcasts. What’s the purpose of business? By Martin Recke In a world of overwhelming complexity, it isn't easy to find the purpose of business. We shouldn't veil our confusion. The right things to do By Martin Recke Doing the right things implies that we know what the right things are. Overwhelming complexity makes this a challenge. Digital Divide: can we innovate without excluding? By Anna Allen If we're not more mindful in our innovation, the pace of digital change is going to leave the poorest unable to catch up. Do you want to be responsible for greater marginalisation? Time to get moving on mobility — for the planet’s sake By Adam Tinworth We need to solve our mobility problems, both for our quality of life, and to combat the climate crisis. But achieving frugal mobility involves some serious complexity… Can smart mobility solve the commuting problem? By Martin Recke Why is innovation in the mobility space pretty much limited to city centres? We need a more systematic approach. Why Messenger Interoperability is a digital canary in the coal mine By Adam Tinworth Would you accept a world where you couldn't send a parcel to a client without being signed up to the same delivery service as them? Then why do you accept this in the digital world? The Two Faces of Corporate Innovation By Adam Tinworth Digital innovation is a corporate virtue of the 21st century, and all businesses are innovative all the time - if you believe their PR. So why is so little actually changing? Politics as design problems of today By Kristina Bonitz In the sunny streets of Austin, Texas, the tech industry is starting to escape from the gloom of the last few years, with a more mature, human vision of the future it wants to build. Making sense in a VUCA world By Martin Recke Our VUCA world is yearning for purpose. Sensemaking makes a lot of sense. It really does. prev 1 … 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 next