Holger Schellkopf is a digital all-rounder with a diverse range of experience in media and communication. In his position as the assistant chief editor of the Mittelbayerische Zeitung, Schellkopf used to be responsible for the Newsroom, the magazine and the department for “digital innovation”. In 2017, he became Head of Digital at W&V and later assumed the role of chief editor and executive board member in 2019 and 2020 respectively. During his tenure, he led editorial teams, managed marketing and sales departments, and oversaw online technical equipment.

Schellkopf's expertise encompasses both online and print media, having served as chief editor of t3n. Presently, he is the Director of Content, Communication, and Marketing at Virtual Identity, where he provides digital innovation and leadership.

Schellkopf's digital-analogue-European mindset underscores his approach to media, which prioritises staying up-to-date with emerging technologies while also honouring traditional communication methods.