Jan Möllendorf
defacto x GmbH , Managing Partner defacto x GmbH
Born 1968 in Seattle/USA; studied Business Administration at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität, Bamberg; from 1993 various national and international positions with Unilever; 2000 change to the defacto.gruppe, Erlangen; 2001 Managing Director for defacto kreativ GmbH; 2009 Managing Partner for defacto kreativ GmbH; since 2010 also Managing Partner for defacto x GmbH
Core competences: •Creation and communication in print and new media
•Interactive TV
•Mobile Marketing
•Customer Cards/Customer Clubs
•Social Communities
•User Generated Content
•digital CRM, CRM-Targeting and e-CRM
•Management of Digital Relations
•chosen as of the digital department Vice President of the Deutscher Dialogmarketing Verband (DDV)
•Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft (BVDW)