Stefana Broadbent is a social scientist who has spent the last 20 years investigating people's daily use of technology. All of her projects had in common an ethnographic approach to capture evolving social practices and a design intent to inform and support the conception of new tools and services. Broadbent is currently a Honorary Visiting Researcher at the Department of Anthropology at University College London.

Between 2004 and 2009, while heading a research unit at Swisscom, she developed an Observatory of Digital Life which followed the daily digital activities of hundreds of families in Switzerland. Previously, she was head of Human Interaction at IconMedialab/LBi a global internet agency which designed many of the first truly international websites. Leading a group of 120 social scientists spread in 3 different continents, she captured the onset of internet practices across the world. In 1993 she founded CB&J, a company specialized in user research that was acquired by IconMedialab in 1999.

Broadbent holds a Ph.D. in Cognitive science from the University of Edinburgh, and a degree in Psychology from the Université de Genève. She has lectured in Anthropology and Ergonomics in a few European countries, and has published on issues related to digital media.