Thomas Gläser is UX-Designer and Managing Director at envis precisely GmbH, a Munich based design studio focused on designing interactive experience. Helping their clients to improve their products and envisioning new possibilities. Thomas is passionate about optimizing interactive products for established companies like BMW to startups such as Skoobe.

Together with Markus Jaritz & Philipp Sackl he founded the studio in 2009, after finishing an employment at the department for interactive conceptional design at BMW and graduating from his studies in communication design at HfG Schwäbisch Gmünd.

Thomas got awarded with several design prices like bavarian state prize for junior designers and a red dot "best of the best" concept design award. He is co-organizer of the push.conference and author for the german design magazine WEAVE.

Company: envis precisely GmbH (
(formerl conference
Autorship: WEAVE Magazine (