Uwe Vogel
Fraunhofer COMEDD , Head of Division Microdisplays & Sensorics
Uwe Vogel became skilled worker in semiconductor microelectronics (Funkwerk Erfurt) in 1983, received diploma in information technology (TU Chemnitz) in 1991, doctoral degree in biomedical engineering in 1999 (TU Dresden). After visiting Center for Applied Optics Studies at Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (Terre Haute/Indiana, 1992) and a position in hearing research at Dresden University hospital (1995-1998) he has been with Fraunhofer Institute for Photonic Microsystems (IPMS) in Dresden/Germany since 1998, starting there as analog IC designer. Since 2000 he has managed the Analog/Mixed-Signal IC design group, and later on has founded and developed OLED-on-Silicon activities mainly focusing on the design of process technology (Silicon-OLED integration), devices and applications. Beside that, he has gained experience in active-matrix backplanes,
OLED displays (microdisplay and 3D displays), OLED display driver IC, high-speed data transmission, and MEMS-CMOS integration. In 2010 he has been appointed head of the newly formed business unit "OLED microdisplays and sensors", which has continued inside Fraunhofer Institution for Organics, Materials and Electronic Devices Dresden (COMEDD), spun out in 2012. He has been coordinator of several collaborative projects on OLED microdisplays at European and national levels.