Search results for “human experience” AI Art: using generative art to enhance the human experience By Adam Tinworth Artists like REEPS100 are paving the way for using AI to enhance human life, not replace human workers. Human experience isn’t a discipline: it’s a mindset By Adam Tinworth Human experience is in danger of become another buzzword, another piece of jargon. But it's not: it's a critical mindset for building better businesses and products. From UX and CX to HX: The Human Experience By Martin Recke We, the users, are not only users. We might be customers, or the product being sold, but we definitely are human beings. John Watton – Humanising customer experiences with AI John Watton from Adobe is presenting his talk with the topic ‘Humanising customer experiences with AI’. John Watton: using AI to humanise customer experience By Adam Tinworth Customer experience is becoming the critical differenciator for business. Counter-intuitively, AI could be the route to humanise the experience at scale. The AI/Human Interface: experiments in action By Adam Tinworth AI has come at us fast — faster than we’ve been able to figure out how to use it. Matt Webb and Petr Janda explain how playful experiments can fix that. In a digital world, experience design is the key advantage By Adam Tinworth The pandemic made us hungry for physical experiences, but also fussy about them. Innovative experience design is the way our of this dilemma. Generative AI: humanity’s creative assistant is here By Adam Tinworth Image and text versions of generative AI are now available to most people. How will this technology impact the way we create art and write? Protopia now: Monika Bielskyte on designing better futures for humanity By Adam Tinworth Beyond flawed utopias and damaging dystopias, lie more positive, inclusive and radical visions: protopias. The NEXT Show explores how to build better systems for living. Analogue is back: hug the experience system By Adam Tinworth It’s a brand new world: digital by default, analogue by choice. People are seeking out premium experiences — and want them physically again. Mark Curtis: designing sustainable experiences By Adam Tinworth The need for sustainability is urgent. The climate crisis is here. And it's time for brands to take the lead. Kristina Bonitz: finding innovation with human friction By Adam Tinworth Innovation isn't just copying what others do. It's what emerges when humans disagree — but work together to find solutions. The humanist CMO By Martin Recke Leonardo da Vinci, the Renaissance artist, scientist, engineer and creative genius, is a role model for the humanist CMO we need today. Experience is the next cloud By Matthias Schrader When everything is in the cloud, how do we differentiate our products? By moving from Customer Experience (CX) to the Business of Experience (BX). Payal Arora: How do we put the human in the global value chains? By Adam Tinworth The pandemic has proved we need to rethink the global value chains. But how can we do that until we acknowledge the systemic problems with the old approach? Douglas Rushkoff on reclaiming digital for Team Human in the post-pandemic world By Adam Tinworth We surrendered digital to the financial markets in the 1990s, argued Douglas Rushkoff during his interview on 'What's NEXT'. The current crisis offers us an opportunity to rethink everything from media to education. Here's how. Rehumanising digital and escaping dark design patterns: the NEXT blog posts that caught your attention in 2019 By Adam Tinworth Only one of 2019's most read posts was written in that year. But the older posts that you were still finding valuable show a clear interest in reclaiming the humanity of the digital era. Christian Mio Loclair: how art helps us understand AI and our own humanity By Adam Tinworth As AI gets better and better at more things, and deep learning starts creating art - what still makes us human? Does the answer lie in a child’s artwork? David Mattin: addressing complexity with a new model of humanity By Adam Tinworth We are being overwhelmed by complexity - and it's fracturing our societies. We need to update our model of humanity if we're to have any chance of reversing this. How to get human time back from technology By Amber Case The addictive seductions of technology are limiting our creativity and potential, instead of enhancing it. Author Amber Case suggests how we can fix this by reclaiming human time, and keeping our phones in their place. Digital mindfulness is about human values as design goal By Martin Recke There is a playbook for the next Facebook, and whoever cracks this will reap huge rewards. The Dopamine Loop is Dead. Long Live the Experience Loop! By Martin Recke It's clearly not enough to simply hack human psychology. We need more sustainable models. Can the humanities put the humanity into digital humanism? By Adam Tinworth Far from enhancing our public intellectual debate, the internet is increasingly limiting it. Are we missing something from the discussion around digital? prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 … 12 next