NEXT23 Speakers

At the NEXT Conference, we feature international keynote speakers with diverse backgrounds and wide range of expertise.

Together with them, we’ll explore our main theme Let’s get physical from different angles:

/ The mysteries of perception with neuroscientist Anil Seth
/ The playful future of AI with Matt Webb’s inventive experiments
/ The song of our mitochondria with Parneet Pal’s scientific voyage
/ Mesmerizing performances by our host LJ Rich and the astonishing Reeps100
/ David Mattin‘s insights on data impact on the physical world
/ Coco Krumme‘s thoughts on optimization
/ Life improving technologies with Christopher Patnoe
/ Paula Zuccotti’s exploration of our material culture
/ The future of food design with Sam Bompas’ multisensory experiences
/ Haptic experiences with different start-ups
/ Climate action and conscious leadership with the House of Beautiful Business
… and much more!

Meet All NEXT23 Speakers