Tag: Productivity Filter Filter by All AI Automation Blog Commerce Creativity Data Future Innovation Leadership Management Media Metaverse Purpose Sustainability Trends close Home working isn’t going away: how do we adapt? By Adam Tinworth As the second wave of the pandemic approaches, businesses are preparing for long-term home working. How can you make a virtue of a necessity? Ben Sauer: making the case for slower digital decisions By Adam Tinworth The digital world has become obsessed by speed. But sometimes, when you move fast you break things… The paperless office isn’t an ideal: it’s a nightmare By Adam Tinworth The paperless office hasn't arrived yet, despite decades promising that it's just round the corner. We should be glad of that. It would be terrible. Relax. Digital is efficient — so we don’t need to be By Adam Tinworth Are we so in love with digital that we try to emulate it? Silicon is made for efficiency — humanity isn't. Let's stop trying to be what we're not. We need a Digital Fix, because we can’t work at machine speed By Adam Tinworth Computers enable real-time, instantaneous connection worldwide - and that's a huge boon. But the also operate at a relentless pace, that will crush us if we try to match it. Happiness by Design means designing for contentment By Adam Tinworth Designing for happiness is a terrible, terrible idea. And all the serious thinkers who have written about the idea know it. Sebastian Deterding: Designing for the Good Life By Adam Tinworth We've built fantastic tools for productivity and work - and yet, we're more stressed and tired than ever. Could we be fetishising productivity, and do we need to design for something higher? Browser tabs: the first wave of the new digital clutter By Adam Tinworth While digital is slowly freeing us from physical clutter, digital clutter is rising to replace it. THE FUTURE OF WORK IS CHAOS Work is chaos. There's no stability any more, we're in an era of perpetual small changes. Embrace that chaos, learn to be a better human - and you'll survive. Tech’s big small problem – for all of us By Adam Tinworth What's the line between being able to work anywhere, and having to work all the time? Do we need to fight for the right to disconnect or should your devices help us? We’re ignoring the science of working – and it’s killing us By Adam Tinworth The more research we do, the more evident it becomes that we aren't working right. What will make us listen? 6 things you can learn from LeWeb Day One By Adam Tinworth From the sharing economy, to the wearable explosion, from the death of Office to the birth of neurogames, LeWeb has been rattling through the near future. Holidays should be the New Normal By Adam Tinworth This blog has been on holiday, and come back looking different - and feel refreshed. And we should all be taking more time off, if we want to be really successful in work. Google’s huge work/life balance experiment By Adam Tinworth Google has been renowned as a great, but stressful, place to work. Now the people operations team are applying a data-centric approach to making their employees' lives better. Five tales from the New Normal – 17th February By Adam Tinworth Mobile devices powering past PCs - and making us more productive. Messaging apps fetching big money. A European secure data warehouse. These are all the New Normal Why the Yahoo! back to the office edict is more complex than it looks By Adam Tinworth Much as internet commentators would like to reduce issues to simple sound-bites, the reality of home working is complex