Tag: tablets Filter Filter by All AI Automation Blog Commerce Creativity Data Future Innovation Leadership Management Media Metaverse Purpose Sustainability Trends close Evolving the iPad and the new face of personal technology By Adam Tinworth If you sit on an aircraft on any length of flight, it's hard to avoid tablets. Despite their less than stellar sales figures - they're evolving into the future. Nokia’s back in the mobile game – with an Android tablet By Adam Tinworth Post-Microsoft, Nokia is back in the mobile faster than expected - but with a curiously familiar-looking tablet… Sluggish iPad sales: is it becoming “just” a large iPhone? By Adam Tinworth In the wake of last week's iPad announcements, Apple has admitted that iPad sales weren't great last quarter. What's the future for its market-leading tablet? Nokia’s tablet: where might it fly? By Adam Tinworth Nokia launched a beautiful new tablet last week - not that you'd notice amongst the Apple noise. Could the design of the device hint at a way for Microsoft to establish itself in tablets? What we can learn about Apple from today’s event By Adam Tinworth Another month, another Apple event. However, this one told us a lot about how the company sees the future… Microsoft and the challenge of the conservative mainstream By Adam Tinworth Microsoft's changes to Windows 8 in the forthcoming Windows 8.1 have some suggesting that they're failing. But have they found the right strategy for selling to customers who don't like change? A mobile future seen through Google Glass By Adam Tinworth When Robert Scoble showed us his Google Glass, was he showing us more than an interesting new product? Was he showing us a new, mobile-centric future of computing? Wishing you a techie little Christmas By Adam Tinworth What sort of gadgets did Father Christmas bring this year? Looks like it was tablets all the way… TV just isn’t what it used to be By Adam Tinworth Tablets and mobile phones are changing the TV experience faster than most people expected. The latest Neilsen Cross Platform Report shows just how often people split their attention between two screens… Google’s new Nexuses: do we have a two tier tablet market? By Adam Tinworth Google has launched two new tablet - a revamped Nexus 7 and a new Nexus 10. Are they iPad competitors - or the herald of a split tablet market? Smartphone and Tablet Development in 2012/2013: Trends and Best Practices What will be the mobile trends in 2012/2013? At NEXT Berlin 2012 Sundeep Madra tried to answer the question. When the Cloud feels creepy By Adam Tinworth My Nexus 7 surprised me by knowing what I was doing miles way from it. We need to change our view of what our devices are… Surface: Microsoft fights for a digital future By Adam Tinworth Microsoft's Surface tablet may be the single most important initiative for the company's future. It has to win the battle for enterprise tablets. The Post-Digital Week – 11 Mar By Adam Tinworth A simpler set of links this week, but still post-digital for your pleasure…