Tag: tribalism Filter Filter by All AI Automation Blog Commerce Creativity Data Future Innovation Leadership Management Media Metaverse Purpose Sustainability Trends close Global tribalism: can we adapt to it? By Adam Tinworth Tribalism is fundamental to humanity - we always gather in communities. But the internet has allowed us to bothe connect globally, while isolating ourselves locally. Therein lies the danger. The new tribalism By Martin Recke Whether it’s the urban-rural divide, the generation gap, or any other cause of division, humans are diving deeper into their own universes and decoupling themselves from one another in favour of new tribal structures. Parallelwelten By Martin Recke What if, somewhere in the universe, there existed a world identical to the one we know? What if there was not only one, but many Parallelwelten, i.e. parallel worlds? What does a healthy company culture look like? By Martin Recke Each team, office, part of a company, and also company as a whole has their distinct culture. Culture is tribal, and that is a truth we western liberals tend to forget. Can we move beyond tech tribalism in the mobile debate? By Adam Tinworth The need to declare one operating system a winner is distorting the debate about a mobile world - and its consequences for the rest of our lives. How do we leave tech tribalism behind?