About future trends and consumer expectations: Interview with David Mattin

Interview with David Mattin about 5 important trends for next year.

At NEXT16 we asked David Mattin – the Global Head of Trends & Insight from TrendWatching – to tell us five important trends for the next year (video interview). If you want to learn more about trends and future consumer expectations, we have good news for you: The 2017 Trend Report by TrendWatching released today! The report contains a unique combination of actionable trends, global best practices and local insights. These trends will empower you to create new products, services and campaigns that customers will love in 2017. The report comes as part of TW:Premium, TrendWatching’s full online service which is stacked full of trends, innovation examples, and tools to help you apply them.

If you buy the report before November 30 you’ll get the early adopter discount and safe 100 Euro.

In order to get attuned, watch David’s Interview:

Don’t miss important trends for 2018! Be always one step ahead: Apply now to be part of NEXT17 (Sept. 21 & 22).