The Post Digital Week – 12 Feb
The latest post digital reading (and quite a bit of viewing) from around the web. Bikes, avatars and more…

It’s time to get visual this week. Can we create a far better digital/analog experience with better digital humans for virtual conferencing? One experiment, using the Microsoft Kinect and a digital SLR suggests that we might well be able to do so:
And how might a bicycle built with total digital integration look? Here’s a taste for you:
Some people are finding it difficult to write away from a keyboard – even a message to their wife. But is this a transitory stage? Could pen and paper be this year’s killer app?
The pen and paper have found an unlikely ally in Detroit-based designer and developer David Klawitter. Even as he works to create innovative digital interfaces for the Web and mobile devices, his process is decidedly analog. His designs begin as a sketch on paper, many of which are often spread across his desk in the newly renovated Detroit Labs offices inside the M@dison — a Dan Gilbert-owned building. Only after Klawitter’s ideas are fleshed out does he begin building app interfaces on a computer.
This, along with the popularity of the Moleskine and the hipster PDA amongst the digital set suggests that perhaps we’ll discover a new appreciation for the simple act of writing…
This is an advert, but one which has a nice post-digital ethos, if you ask me:
Would you attend a Post Digital revolution?
And, as Valentine’s Day approaches, can we help but wonder if digital is the new default for dating?