Hands on: NEXT13 Workshop Programme

Gain practical experiences and helpful new insights for your business in our bigger-than-ever workshop programme at NEXT Berlin.

Three stages, more than 100 international speakers, up to 50 hours of inspiring talks, panels and discussions! But there is even more in for you! In addition to the great programme on the Main, Start-up and White Stage, NEXT Berlin offers six workshop rooms with parallel sessions, meet-ups and workshops during our conference at bcc (Berliner Congress Center) on April 23 & 24.

During the workshops, delegates from companies like IBM and Microsoft or agencies like SinnerSchrader, Interone and iCrossing will give you many practical tips on how to prepare for disruptive times. Meet speakers face-to-face, or be inspired by greats in their field like researcher and artist Juha van’t Zelfde, Berlin Geekettes founder Jess Erickson (General Assembly) or PR expert Colette Ballou (Ballou PR).

Learn how to write successful Wikipedia entries for your business. Or get in touch with members of the Digital Club Franco-Allemand to deepen cross-border relations.

Want to give a workshop yourself to enlighten this year’s audience? Then hurry, only a few slots are left. Get in touch with our NEXT team and become a part of NEXT Berlin.

Get inspired, deepen your knowledge, broaden your network! Join the conference!