NEXT-SHOW | Exciting discussion about the power of AI

Harry Yeff (Reeps100/Creative Technologist) and Mette Stannow (Managing Director, Accenture Song) discuss the potential of generative AI and his work in his studio, where he explores the possibilities of combining the human voice and AI to create new narratives around technology.

Harry Yeff is an Pris Ars Electronica-nominated artist and musician based in London. Yeff’s expertise in vocal musicianship and his creative direction have helped him generate a global online following, with over 100 million views and recognition as a pioneer of experimental vocalism. He has become one of the most decorated and progressive lateral thinkers in the worlds of voice and technology.

In this episode of NEXT-SHOW, we learn more about how he started using AI in his childhood as a tournament chess player. He also shared some insights on where AI technology might go in the next five to ten years, and highlighted three types of AI partnerships.

The conversation focuses on how AI can be used as a tool for people in different professions and the importance of allowing for discomfort when using AI for personal and professional development.

Mette Stannow and Harry also discuss the fear of AI and the importance of educating and rewriting narratives to make AI more accessible and less intimidating.

Tune in and enjoy this journey into the world of AI.

We have also summarised this episode on our blog.

Why AI second selves will be your greatest mentor — and opponent