Many in the international marketing community regard Christian Jourdant as a leading authority on behavioral marketing, psychographic segmentation, and neuroeconomics.
With his enthusiasm and hands-on methods, Christian is a much-sought-after expert for complex neuromarketing projects.
In the early 1990s, Christian learned from Marketing Guru Prof. Werner Kroeber- Riel, inventor of the green-colored Beck‘s sailing ship. After finishing his degrees, he started a car guy career for nearly a decade. As a Marketing Director for Deutsche Renault AG, Christian decided to start his own business in 2005 to cultivate the neuroeconomic approach.
Together with his associate Heinke Katja Eichhorn he realizes projects across all sectors, for clients such as OTTO, Deutsche Telekom, Unilever, and Vodafone. Christian was responsible for the world‘s largest neuro-psychological study in the spring of 2012.
Christian Jourdant loves to share his thoughts as a part-time freelance professor at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg. He lives in Hamburg at the water‘s edge together with his family. Strolling along the beach of the Elbe river after a long day is his preferred method to let go and catch new energy.