Harry Yeff (Reeps100) is a Pris Ars Electronica-nominated artist and musician based in London. Yeff’s expertise in vocal musicianship and creative direction has generated an online global following, rendering over 100 million views and recognition as a pioneer of experimental vocalism.

In 2018, Yeff completed his third artist residency at Harvard University and is currently part of the Experiments in Art and Technology program at Bell Labs. Yeff also produces work as a response to an ongoing investigation into the evolution of the human voice, art, and science. He has exhibited internationally, in places such as the Museum of Art and Design in New York, the Tate Britain in London, Milan, London, and Tokyo Design week, SXSW, Miami Art Basel, and Sundance Film Festival. Yeff has become one of the most decorated and progressive lateral thinkers in the world of voice and technology.